How To Choose Your Driving Instructor.

Don’t be one of the 30% of learner drivers that change their instructor before test!




Top ten reasons why students chose us from over 600 customer reviews.


✅ High 1st Time Pass Rate

✅ Accelerated Learning System

✅ Risk Free Guarantee

✅ Customer Reviews

✅ Recommendations

✅ Local Reputation

✅ Quality of Teaching

✅ Patience of Instructors

✅ Friendliness of Instructors

✅ Local Company

Why LOCAL Learner Drivers

Chose Orchard School Of Motoring.

Phillipa Bartlett, Taunton

Andrew Sivell.

When choosing my driving instructor, I was looking for someone who could reduce my nerves when driving and help me to be a more confident driver. He also needed to be trustworthy and being local would help too.

I found Colin’s teaching methods to be very good, as he adapted his teaching style to suit me. I had been learning to drive for around two years before I came across Colin and in comparison to my previous instructor, I learned a lot more, in just two months.

I would change nothing about my lessons with Colin, he was an absolute gem and I’m glad I found his driving school, or I would still be learning now.

Phillipa Bartlett, Taunton

Jasmine Dale-Smith.

The most important reason I chose Drive School of Motoring as my driving school was the level of their success in pass rates and the five -star reviews they have online. It was also important to have a driving school close to where I live.

Whilst learning to drive, there was a lot more attention paid to details than I expected, and this helped me to get the best drive possible.

I would recommend Drive School of Motoring to others as I was able to pass my driving test first time.

Debbie Kwong, Taunton

Kaiya Dobson.

When looking for a driving school, firstly I was looking for someone with a good local reputation and a high success rate and also a calm and experienced driving instructor. Learning to drive was pretty much what I expected, as the under 17’s driving experience that Drive School of Motoring run gave me a good idea of what to expect. Colin’s teaching methods catered to different learning styles and I found the use of drawings very helpful. I would recommend Drive School of Motoring to others as my instructor was very good and the car was nice.

Why LOCAL Learner Drivers

Chose Orchard School Of Motoring

Andrew Sivell.

When choosing my driving instructor, I was looking for someone who could reduce my nerves when driving and help me to be a more confident driver. He also needed to be trustworthy and being local would help too.

I found Colin’s teaching methods to be very good, as he adapted his teaching style to suit me. I had been learning to drive for around two years before I came across Colin and in comparison to my previous instructor, I learned a lot more, in just two months.

I would change nothing about my lessons with Colin, he was an absolute gem and I’m glad I found his driving school, or I would still be learning now.

Jasmine Dale-Smith.

The most important reason I chose Drive School of Motoring as my driving school was the level of their success in pass rates and the five -star reviews they have online. It was also important to have a driving school close to where I live.

Whilst learning to drive, there was a lot more attention paid to details than I expected, and this helped me to get the best drive possible.

I would recommend Drive School of Motoring to others as I was able to pass my driving test first time.

Kaiya Dobson.

When looking for a driving school, firstly I was looking for someone with a good local reputation and a high success rate and also a calm and experienced driving instructor. Learning to drive was pretty much what I expected, as the under 17’s driving experience that Drive School of Motoring run gave me a good idea of what to expect. Colin’s teaching methods catered to different learning styles and I found the use of drawings very helpful. I would recommend Drive School of Motoring to others as my instructor was very good and the car was nice.

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Richard Boyle Owner

Richard Boyle

Driving School Owner

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Richard Boyle Owner

Richard Boyle

Driving School Owner

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Richard Boyle Owner

Richard Boyle

Driving School Owner

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Top Rated Driving Lessons in North Cornwall

We have been able to build a strong reputation throughout our local community because we have a sound plan for all our students from the start. We don’t expect local people to learn to drive with us just because we are the nearest school to them. All we ask is they ‘try us and see’.
You see, ‘Try Us and See’ is our most popular package. Where you can come along & try us out without any risk whatsoever. Driving lessons are probably one of your most expensive outgoings if you’re a young student so taking advantage of our block bookings facility will help gain substantial discounts. Book 10 or more lessons in advance and you’ve got yourself a considerable saving.
When choosing a school it is always best to try and find out as much as you can about the business you will be considering. Learning to drive is a lot more complex than jumping in to the drivers seat and taking a few lessons. A driving tutor who has a detailed plan of action for getting you as ready as possible for your test is worth his or her weight in gold.
For example, beginning on a very quiet housing estate can certainly help you get your confidence as you learn to master the controls of a motor car. If your teacher was to simply get you out on to a main road from the start it can do more harm than good as you may have too much to contend with when faced with other road users.
The initial aim should be to ensure you can handle a motor vehicle competently in readiness for a busier road and a more taxing situation. Trying to take on & learn too much in the beginning can cause mistakes resulting in even less taken on board. It is our job to gauge the pace you are comfortable at learning to ensure you not only reach your goal of taking your test as soon as possible but you’re fully prepared for it.
We are proud of the fact we have a higher than average 1st time pass rate. Our instructors are always confident our students will pass when they are entered in for their test examination and they are usually right. A structured course of lessons will get you to this point & will help you see your progress as you complete each lesson.
It’s always worth mentioning that before you consider taking any driving lessons you should have successfully taken your theory examination. This will ensure you are fully prepared for your test once your instructor thinks you’re ready from the practical aspect. The last thing you want is any hold ups. You will also find that with your theory successfully in the bag you are able to get a better understanding of the practical side of things too.